
I'd like to know more about that soda pop

As I've mentioned, due to the cable package we have here at the house, I watch a lot of Food TV. Not that I'm complaining - it's become my favorite, which is, yes, a little embarrassing. Not as embarrassing, however, as some of the "professions" or "hobbies" I've seen adults voluntarily admit to Food TV with no shame or concern for their reputations. It's quite the contrary - they revel in their boundless knowledge on subjects such as fruitcakes, or hard candy. I was just watching a show where the opinion of a "frozen novelty specialist" was provided. There he stood, blabbering on about the merits of sherbert. Really. How in the name of God does one become a "frozen novelty specialist" is what I'd like to know. I'm sure the guy has a day job, just like the "Victorian era cake expert," but I still wonder how one gets to be such a reknowned expert of sorts that a network finds them and then puts them on the air. I'd like to know. I'd also like to know how one gains the confidence to become such an expert while retaining a sense of cool. "1950's bubble gum you say? Sit down. Have I got some information for you, have I got some information," - totally assured that anyone wants to hear that crap. Food TV "experts", I admire you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Cara, I read your blog all the time and it cracks me up.
I think I might have a few answers for you on this topic.
I consider myself somewhat of an expert on a certain food type.

Mike Owens “Ramen Noodle Connoisseur” if you will.

Not that I claim to have eaten more ramen noodles than other people, no, no, no. I feel that with my experience and collective knowledge of my other friends (also experts) this title could be thrown around pretty loosely.
As a Ramen Noodle Specialist I have witnessed and participated in different ways to enjoy ramen. For example: The Combination of flavors (beef/chicken, the risky Oriental+ anything, etc..) Also the Ramen Sandwich (remove juice, add bread) And way too many others to list here…

Now to answer your question, “How in the name of God does one become a "frozen novelty specialist" is what I'd like to know.” Simply put for my situation as an expert. Go to college, spend all your allotted money for the semester, then decide to stay at school for summer school (May session) with no money or job. Spend every scraping penny that you actually still possess left on beer. Then you could become a “Ramen Noodle expert” too. Eat ramen for lunch and dinner for a few weeks in a row. Instant expert. Put me on TV.

I’m also pretty sure that your soon to be husband is also an expert.
Look for me on the Food Network soon….

4:19 PM  

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