
It's called a "party bus." We're already in trouble.

Today is my friend's birthday and to celebrate we're meeting up at her place tonight and then are going to get into a big vehicle with a refrigerator and a good sound system and be driven around the Triangle while we get drunk. Yes! It's totally legal. The party bus people are going to take us out on the town. I'm not sure whether or not I should admit this, but I've been on the party bus before. It was Carrie's bachelorette party and we girls got on that bus with serious supplies including a kick ass mixed CD featuring R. Kelly's "Ignition (remix)" which I soon learned was the best song ever, EVER written, especially because it features the oft-repeated chorus "Bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce." Don't think we weren't singing that out the windows in Raleigh to all the lesser-folk who had to use their own vehicles or feet to get around.


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