
Four months

Last night my father called to tell me a) that I "sounded tired," which he does every time he talks to me and which usually tempts me to remind him that I don't have time to take a nap every day. Like some people. Who, I've been told have always done that and who also, I recall, used to walk around their offices in their stocking feet and then leave at about 4 p.m. - at the latest.

He also told me b) that my wedding planner, Michelle, had been nominated for some kind of wedding planning award for the category "Best Wedding in the Worst Circumstances."

You may recall the streams and rivers that materialized in the front yard, or the flattened shrubbery left by the massive busses. The busses that people puked in. Or, you may not. Because of the mojitos.

Today is the four-month anniversary of that blessed event - the rain, the dancing, the speeches that weren't scheduled til midnight, for better or for worse.

Happy anniversary, J. Despite having to give up the melodic cadence of my Italian-American last name, I love being Mrs. McDuna.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh no Cara, people puked in the buses?!? I didn't realize that! I swear it wasn't me. I just sang--loudly and badly, but it required no clean up.

Happy four month anniversary Cara and Justin!


2:30 PM  
Blogger MotherOf3Guys said...

Happy 4 months! Your wedding planner deserves an award....everything was beautiful, even in the downpour and the mud! We loved your wedding... a fun time was had by all, except maybe the poor guy that initiated the bus!

3:18 PM  
Blogger GR8UMPS3 said...

From one who totally enjoyed the event, and who did not even notice the "Worst Circumstances". Congrats on the 4 month thingy. And your Father and Family should get an award for a wedding reception that Hollywood could not even come close to duplicating. That was the an event that I will never fotget. and I know I will compare all others with that one. FORGET IT it can not be outdone.

I had a very pleasant surprise attending that wonderus event. I spent a lot of time in Italia and got spoiled by the Cappuccino over there in the morning.. I have not been able to find anywhere here in the states that could brew as well as the Italians. Well I had a Cappuccino at your event and I was set aback.. a true Italian Cappuccino. totally enjoyed it..

J. did you check out the new species of birds found over in Indonesia?

3:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What could possibly be more melodic than the name McDonough?

12:22 AM  
Blogger Cara Maria McDonough said...

I would like to take this opportunity to state for the record that no, Tom, your speech wasn't bad at all. You know what your speech did? It ruled, just like you rule! I loved that the speeches were that late and given by drunken best friends of ours, and any mention of those speeches always always refers to not only yours, but the fact that my precious maid of honor said "God Damn" during hers.

12:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Tom,

I hope you weren't offended by my little jab about the length of your best man toast. Your speech was actually excellent. You spoke of a portion of Justin's life I knew nothing about, that of JMU student. It really captured his spirit,(though the portion about him locking himself in the closet was a little disturbing.) In my mind's eye, Justin is the five year old in swimmies and oversized goggles that I used to throw in the pool. That's part of the reason I love these blogs so much. It let's me know who he is today. I wish all my nieces and nephews had them.
p.s. This does not mean that my daughters can have their own Myspace website.

1:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a kid in kindergarten that already wants her own Myspace website. They talk about it in school. She ain't getting it.


3:21 PM  

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